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Photo of Carlos Rubén Petricorena Argentina

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Born in San Rafael Mendoza Argentina on March 25, 1950. Medical Clinical Specialist Medical CES (Certificate of Advanced Studies), Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases and Biology and Sports Medicine (University of Paris XII - VI) - Nutrition Thesis (Paris Medical Academy). Member of arrows (Argentina Society for the Study and Treatment of Obesity). Member of the Argentine College of Sports Medicine....

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Born in San Rafael Mendoza Argentina on March 25, 1950. Medical Clinical Specialist Medical CES (Certificate of Advanced Studies), Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases and Biology and Sports Medicine (University of Paris XII - VI) - Nutrition Thesis (Paris Medical Academy). Member of arrows (Argentina Society for the Study and Treatment of Obesity). Member of the Argentine College of Sports Medicine.

President of the Cine Club San Rafael Mendoza Argentina. Creator GECI (Grupo Experimental de Cine Independiente). Independiene filmmaker (including its short and medium length mentioned "The day that broke out at night," "The abode of silence," "The Mask", "Corruption," "Utopia", "Depart", "Goodbye Paul Neruda, "" The Great Escape ", etc ...).

Theatre group member Trotea of Cordoba, which represented Argentina in the first Latin American Theatre Festival in Quito, Ecuador. Countless illustrator named Ibros of writers. Performed over one hundred solo and group exhibitions nationally and internationally. The last "Traces and Faces II" was made in the Czech Republic, Prague. Got some prizes in various competitions most recently in the national competition for small format organized by the Institute of Fine Arts in San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina. Today his paintings are in over twenty countries in the form of purchase or donation. Upcoming invitations to exhibit in Cuba (where there is a video with 104 works), USA and Spain.


His foray into the drawing and painting dates back to his early life in the preschool where the first techniques learned from his uncle Cesar Augusto Boldrini, renowned artists of Mendoza. Then follows in Primary and Secondary Teachers with renowned art drawing and painting in adolescence and begin to display his creative originality and style acknowledging the influences of several painters mainly Impressionist and Post-Impressionists, as well as of human suffering resulting from the injustices and inequalities that undermine a better world and the creation of new man, using and experiencing content that is constantly reflected in his works. These impacts on their work will be incorporated into the various trips made outside the country, where he takes full advantage of all the impressions, colors, human conditions, etc ... constantly found in his ways. She describes herself as always self.

Little has participated in painting competitions and if he did was for compromise and no convictions or principles. Presented only three times won awards in each. The first six years with the drawing "Plaza de San Martín" in the drawing contest Rodolfo Iselin school, the second with "Mimi Blue" in the third room of plastic arts of Mendoza in 1984 and the third with "Guillermina "at the Museum of Fine Arts in Mendoza in a national competition.

Has performed over one hundred individual and collective exposciones, the last was made in Casa Blu Room Julio Cortázar (Prague, Czech Republic), University of Mendoza, in Mendoza and champagne Bianchi in San Rafael Mendoza Polyclinic.

The next exhibition projects are the U.S., Spain, Uruguay and Cuba. He painted and painted permanently in San Rafael Mendoza where they recycle in Cordoba where he studied as well as in Paris, where he completed his post-graduate Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases and Sports Medicine and Biology, learning and trying to create new techniques mainly on the human figure.

Carlos Ruben Petricorena Medical, filmmaker and artist is Married for over thirty years with three children, two grandchildren and many other creatures are born that his pictorial creations because we are going and the truth is in the journey and not the port As the educator Paulo Freire and always referred to and putting into practice Dr. Carlos Rubén Petricorena.

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